Veterans’ Home Care is a program that provides low level home care services to eligible veterans and war widows/widowers in their own homes.

Domestic Assistance

Includes assistance with domestic chores, such as household cleaning, dish washing, bed making, clothes washing, ironing, shopping for the veteran and bill paying. Domestic assistance may include help with meal preparation if this service is not being provided separately. In rural and remote areas, domestic assistance may also include activities such as collecting firewood.

Personal Care

Includes assistance with daily self-care tasks, such as eating, bathing, toileting, dressing, grooming, getting in and out of bed and moving about the house.

Respite Care

Designed to provide relief for a carer who has the responsibility for a person requiring ongoing care, attention or support and may be used in times of unavailability of the carer for any reason. It gives the regular carer a chance for some much needed rest and relaxation. Respite care may be provided in different ways depending on the individual situation. Care may be provided in-home, in an Australian Government-funded aged care home, or as emergency respite care in the home.

Home and Garden Maintenance

Designed to minimise environmental health and safety hazards that impact on the Veteran. It may involve minor maintenance or repair work, which may be carried out by a handyman, but that does not require a qualified tradesperson.

Tasks may include changing light bulbs and tap washers, installing batteries in smoke alarms, gutter or window cleaning, general yard clean up where a safety hazard presents, clearing of debris following natural disasters, or other tasks within the approved hours of service and as agreed between the client and the service provider.

Coordinated Veteran’s Care Social Assistance

CVC social assistance is a short-term intensive service which is designed to (re) engage participants in community based activities and to meet a veteran’s or war widow/widower’s need for social contact and/or accompaniment to a social activity in order to participate in community life.

To arrange an assessment or to enquire if you are eligible for VHC services, contact the VHC assessment agency on 1300 550 450.